V.1-9 Full instruction for their behavior. When a man was found murdered, this was what they were to do. Nothing important was left to them to decide. But we can see a bigger reason for these details — God always has Christ in His thoughts as the Scriptures were written. The man killed can be a picture of Christ.
Everyone (except the believer) even today, denies the responsibility for His crucifixion. The distance to the closest city was to be measured. God looks at the world, and sees Israel as the closest to the crucified Man. Look at your chart. During the seven years following the believers being taken to heaven, a little group (remnant) in Israel will believe. And although the land is held guilty — even though the people living then did not actually crucify the Lord Jesus — a substitute must be found (v. 4). Sin must be judged before sins can be forgiven. Christ again is seen here. The heifer is a type of the Lord Jesus, the Substitute for the sin of the person who killed the man. A picture of this desolate world. In the future the little remnant shall realize the Christ, their Messiah, died for their redemption and deliverance.
V.10-14 A picture of the Lord’s original relationship with Israel. He had chosen her for Himself out of all the peoples of the world. But Israel was unfaithful and rejected Him — chapter 24 will go into this more. However, it is not the end of this unfaithful person. If you have the time, read Isaiah chapter 62 for the conclusion of the story which will take place after we believers, the heavenly bride, will be taken up to be with Christ. Then the Lord will fulfill the promises He made to Israel in the past. But He will then give them a new heart for He has paid for all their unfaithfulness by shedding His blood for them. (Read Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:9-13). What grace!