V.14-15 God thinks about others as well as those that were there. Read John 10:16 and Ephesians 2:11-13, 17, for what may be referred to in these two verses.
V.16-21 First Moses reminds them that they had seen many horrible sights in the lands they had passed through — idol worship mixed with all kinds of uncleanness. Exposure to evil dulls our ability to know good and evil, and we soon get like the man in verse 19-21. The Lord assures us that no one will get away with anything (Read Heb. 10:31).
V.22-28 Although these are warnings to Israel, we today, know that they are meant to be warnings to us, as Romans 15:4 tells us. If Israel became unfaithful to God (and they were), people in the future, when visiting this choice land, would ask what had happened. They would see the land full of diseases and total ruin, and would ask why the Lord had done this.
V.25-28 Here is the answer they would receive. We who truly are born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ need to take a look at our own life. Are we living for Christ each day? Are we following in His footsteps? When an unbeliever looks at us, does he, or she see a reflection of Christ? These verses are a serious warning to us. Read these four verses again. This is the same Lord Who is looking down into your life and mine each hour of the day.