Matthew 21:33-46 is an amazing summary of the Old Testament.
V.1-14 This is a summary of the New Testament. In the other, the Son is dead, in this He is alive again, and the King (God) is making a wedding for His Son (the Lord Jesus).
V.3-8 Unbelievable, but true. The Gospel of salvation goes first to the Jews — the ones who had crucified God’s Son. (See Acts 28:27-28).
V.9-10 Not very flattering picture of us Gentiles to whom the Gospel the invitation to the wedding has gone out. Pure grace has made some of us accept!
V.11-13 A view from God’s side. Fine outward appearance will not provide entrance to heaven. What suited the King would alone be allowed there.
V.15-46 Many hear the invitation, no one would voluntarily accept, and a few are chosen by God. Three classes of enemies confront the Lord. First the Pharisees who prided themselves on their holiness, devotion to God, and knowledge of the law. The Herodians were a party which sided with the Roman-appointed king Herod. They joined with him in trying to blend the Jews with Grecian and Roman customs and looseness. How awful the mixture when the Pharisees joined with the Herodians against Jesus! Satan of course was behind it.
V.22-33 The Sadducees believed that the soul perished with the body and therefore there was no resurrection (Acts 23:8). The Lord condemned them severely (Matt. 3:7). Forerunners of today’s infidels and reasoners. These three groups contended for different things, and all were wrong. In their hatred of Christ, they were willing to unite and forget their differences.