V.1-6 These verses are particularly for believing wives whose husbands are not saved. “Be in subjection” goes further than “obey.” It is the result of trusting God, and resting quietly in Him. Then the wife will be willing to submit to her husband. If she is enjoying the Lord in her life, then the husband will “read” her instead of the Bible and will be won to Christ. This is a promise.
V.7 The believing husband is to show consideration to his believing wife. They are heirs together of what God has given them.
V.8-9 Finally, a message for all believers. How close do we come to it?
V.10-18 Every chapter has something about suffering in it. We need to remember that the enjoyment of our blessing is going to come to us through obedience and suffering. And as He had joy, so also shall we. When suffering is mentioned, so is reward.
V.19 The spirit of those people who heard the preaching of Noah and didn’t believe him, are now in chains — imprisoned and waiting for judgment.