Before you read this chapter, turn to Galatians 6:7-8. What God’s Word says there is carried out in today’s chapter. After the promise he received in Genesis 28:22, Jacob should have gone directly to Bethel — he gets there finally, but only after God has to tell him (Gen. 35:1). But what he saw of the country around attracted his eyes and so he didn’t follow his heart. His staying on in the wrong place caused this dismal chapter to have to be told! What a lesson for parents there is here. Are we careful about our children? Do we choose places just because there are advantages for us? Living near this city was a risky thing, but Jacob never seems to have given it a thought!
V.30-31 Jacob speaks sharply to his sons when the damage is done. Notice too how they talk back to their father. And even the reasons Jacob gave to his sons as to why they shouldn’t have done it, were all centered around his reputation and his possessions!