The most awful circumstances did not cause Joseph to compromise. These dark days were just before the dawn. So let us not give up now either, the Lord Jesus is coming soon. Joseph did not know that these events were going to be the very means of getting him into the great king Pharaoh’s presence. The two destinies of the butler and the baker are similar to the two thieves who hung on either side of the Savior. One perished, and the other went to paradise with Christ. Notice how easy it was for Joseph to tell the meaning of the dreams. Why? Because God was so real to His suffering servant (John 15:15).
V.14 What a simple request. How easy to carry out. The Lord Jesus made a request to us Luke 22:19.
V.23 Was it possible? How often are our thoughts taken up with Christ and all that He suffered on the cross for us during the course of the week? Two years Joseph waited!