David now wants to build a house — a temple for God to live in. It was a good desire to have. But it was not the time, God had a more perfect time.
V.7-14 Instead, God tells David that He will build David “a house.” By this was meant a family or a royal line. Notice the eleven things God says He will do. (v. 7) I took thee etc.; (v. 8) I have been with thee; (v. 9) I will ordain a place — will plant them; (v. 10) I will subdue all thine enemies — will build thee an house; (v. 11) I will raise up — I will establish; (v. 12) I will stablish; (v. 13) I will be his father; (14) I will settle him. These are the sure mercies of David (Acts 13:34). They were sure because they didn’t depend on David, only upon God. From Psalm 89:28-37 we learn that David understood that all these things would be fulfilled in Christ.
V.16-27 David’s words in his prayer to the Lord. All the words of the Lord produce humility before God and thanksgiving and praise to Him. Do our hearts overflow with praise? We know that David’s descendants failed very badly. God says nothing about the responsibilities — only all that which He would do.