This chapter doesn’t tell us about collective discipline, but private individual responsibility.
V.1-5 Chapter 2:19 told us that we should separate from believers who do not obey the Word, These tell us that we should separate from unbelievers who may even have “a form of godliness.” (See 2 Tim. 2:21; 3:5, last part).
V.2-4 What an accurate description of today. We see it around us. And it will not get better.
V.10 But, here was a life entirely opposite to that which had been described. Paul’s own life and testimony were a godly example to Timothy. Ask yourself, “Am I a help and an encouragement to others?” We are living in these very “last days”!
V.13 The conditions around us today will get worse and we cannot stop the change.
V.14 Again that word BUT — continue thou! It may be that the reader of these words has known the truth, and now sees it being given up, and replaced with man’s thoughts. Don’t compromise. Continue thou! Timothy had learned the truth from the lips and life of the Apostle Paul, as well as having had a godly mother and grandmother.
V.15 Let this be an encouragement to praying parents. Are your children hearing the Scriptures read daily in your home? Teach them by showing them the right way.
V.16-17 The whole Word of God is given by inspiration of God, and all of it is profitable. We are not thoroughly equipped if we do not read it all over and over again.