V.1-2 Behavior that is being neglected today. No matter how others may act, and no matter how unjust the authorities may be, we are to be obedient to the laws of our country, for the government is chosen by God (Rom. 13:1). We are not to speak evil of it, or of anyone. Gentleness and meekness are not natural to believers, but remember we have a new nature, and that is the way it acts.
V.3 We were just like this before the Lord saved us.
V.4 Gives us the source of salvation.
V.5 gives us the way of salvation,
V.6 gives us the evidence of salvation.
V.5-7 They were not told to pray that the Holy Ghost would come to earth — for He had come. So here we are saved, washed, renewed by the Holy Ghost, justified and heirs. What a complete salvation!
V.8 As a result of all this, let us be careful to maintain good works.