Now the second step — “the coming out.”
In Exodus the children of Israel were taken out of Egypt by God, in the book of Acts — the more or less corresponding Book in the New Testament — the children of God (believers) are taken out of the religion of that day, Judaism. “Exodus” means “the coming out.” God always leads out before He leads in. No greater mistake can a believer make, than to suppose we can understand God’s thoughts by our natural mind. We must put out of our life first, the things we know don’t please the Lord. Read Isaiah 1:16-17, three times. So today we’re starting the “coming out” book.
V.1-6 A list of all the families to be brought out. For the believer today, God knows all who are to be saved (Acts 15:16-18), our names are written in His book of life (Rev. 20:15), and we were chosen before the earth was created (Eph. 1:4).
V.7-14 The enemy is the king of Egypt. The enemy of our souls is Satan and those whom he uses. The trials made them realize they were in an enemy land. So do our trials. This is not the place for us to settle down.
V.15-22 Murder is in Pharaoh’s heart (like Satan, John 8:44). So Israel’s situation while in Egypt is a picture too of the believer the sentence of death was on us but we have been delivered by God. It was God Who saved the boy babies alive, although those He used (midwives) were not what they should be so far as honesty was concerned 2 Cor. 4:7. The person whom the Lord may use is never perfect. Only Christ is.