Day 75 - Mark 11

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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Yesterday’s chapter ended the story of Jesus in His lowly service to Israel.
V.1-11 Today we begin a new section. The humble Servant rides into Jerusalem on a donkey and presents Himself as a King. Once more He carried out what was written hundreds of years before in the Old Testament about Him. Read Zechariah 9:9 isn’t that a thrilling verse!
V.9-10 “Hosanna” is like a prayer in heaven to bless the One (Jesus), who comes in the name of the Lord.
V.11 The people really had no interest in Him, so as it was late in the day, He left His city of Jerusalem and retires to the little village of Bethany. How sad!
V.12-14 This fig tree is a picture of Israel. Because Israel bore no fruit, would not obey God and would not have Him, Israel is set aside. The curse is pronounced on the tree. But always remember that Israel is yet going to come into blessing. But it is going to be because the Lord Jesus died for them.
V.15-19 Though He would not defend Himself, He is very jealous for God’s house the temple. We must remember that after He is totally rejected, God Himself turns away from that temple. It became a dead place (Luke 13:34-35; Mark 14:1-2).
V.17 Read Malachi 3:1-2.
V.27-33 This is the third time in this one chapter that Jesus comes into Jerusalem. This time, the religious leaders try to catch Him with words. But He reduces them to silence. He had told them Who He is, but they would not believe. To reject the Lord Jesus is fatal.