In chapter 12 They had the blood; in chapter 13:21 and 14:20, they had the pillar; and in our chapter today, they have the song. All different, but all tokens for us of the one Jesus Who meets all our needs.
V.1 Israel’s song was based on what Jehovah did in Egypt; our joy is based upon what Christ has done at Calvary (Rom. 5:11).
V.1-12 The work of the Lord in saving the Israelites leads them to learn more of Himself and praise Him. Here the Lord has led them out of Egypt, in verse 17 He will lead them “in” to the land, and the necessary guiding in between (v. 13). Should we be trusting Him? Certainly!
V.14-18 Others hear and become afraid.
V.17 This is to be the center of the whole earth in a future day (Zech. 14:4, 16).
V.22-26 Again things looked bad — only bitter water. The “tree” reminds us of the cross of Christ. When we bring thoughts of the cross into our “bitterness” in life, sweetness results.
V.27 His grace again — plenty of good water and rest. Are we learning more of His heart?