Day by Day

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Just for today, my Savior;
Tomorrow is not mine!
Just for today I ask Thee
For light and help divine.
Tomorrow's care I need not bear:
The future is all Thine.

Today I bring my measure
To Thee, that Thou mayest fill
And bless it, Lord, and teach me
To trust and to be still.
Today I'd be, my God, for Thee,
And do Thy holy will.

Just for today, my Savior!
For e'er the morning break
Thy voice may call me unto Thee;
Then I shall no more walk
The desert path with need of faith,
But face to face shall talk.

And if I have Thee near, Lord,
Today, why should I grieve
Because of what I have not
And may not need to have?
Each day, I pray Thee, have Thy way!
And I will trust Thee day by day.
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."