This expression is nearly always used erroneously as of a day when there will be a general judgment by God of dead and living, saved and unsaved. Such a thought is entirely opposed to the teaching of Scripture, which clearly shows (1) that the believer shall not come into the judgment (properly so called) at all (see John 5:24 lit.), his judgment day being at the cross of Christ; but that he will be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5) in heaven, to receive due reward according to his faithfulness down here. (2) That the living nations will be judged (Matt. 25; Acts 17; Jude 15, &c. on the return of the Lord Jeans to the earth before the millennium. And (3) that not until a thousand years after this (Rev. 20.) will the judgment of the wicked dead take place at the great white throne. There is, therefore, no such thing as a general day of judgment for all mankind.