"How long halt ye between two opinions?" So cried Elijah, and his question is still good for every soul. Each one should make sure with regard to eternity. To err in that matter is fatal indeed—an error which can never be remedied. Your soul is at stake. Take care lest you miss salvation.
A dying youth cried out: "I have sold my soul for a straw." Oh, how many do this! The world attracts.
Friends—false friends—laugh. Satan—the deceiver of the whole world—deludes. Thus, step by step, a soul goes on down the road of "By-and-Bye" until the town of "Never" is reached. Then that soul is lost eternally.
Do not you go on another day without God's salvation. Remember that His invitation is NOW and not TOMORROW. "Come NOW and let us reason together, saith the Lord.”
He has made the way in which He can bless and save you. He has given His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has died upon Calvary's cross so that blessing might be yours. The sinner who takes his true place as lost before God and who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ IS SAVED. Take your place then, as a lost, helpless sinner and claim the lost sinner's Savior. But do it now.
The door of salvation stands open wide today, but it may be closed for you at any moment. We read, "When once the Master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door," many will stand without and knock at the door, saying: "Lord, Lord, open to us!" But the knock then will be in vain.
The one who now believes on the Lord Jesus Christ can look back and say: "But He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I am healed." Isa. 53:5.
The Lord Jesus who once died for us, now lives for us in the glory of God. His work on the cross is done. He Himself said, "IT IS FINISHED." His resurrection shows that what He has done has been accepted for us by God. Yes! All has been done and God has glorified the Savior who did it by seating Him at His own right hand. The message is sent in the gospel today: "Whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins." Any sinner, anywhere, at any time during this day of grace who receives the Lord Jesus Christ is forgiven. There is forgiveness for all—forgiveness for you. Believe on Christ and receive it now.
"Pass It On”
When the Lord has given blessing by a tract or little book, Do not leave it idly lying in some soon forgotten nook! There are others to be watered and hungry souls to feed; So seek to spread the blessing that has reached you in your need.
With its freshness yet upon you, ere the first glad glow has gone, Let your heart look up for guidance, that your hand may PASS IT ON.
And the one from you receiving, blessing gaining, just like you Can keep that blessing flowing, and "pass it on" anew.
And when "the day declares it" and you hear the words "Well done,”
How sweet to know the Lord was pleased!
You have read this? PASS IT ON.
"When we were yet
without strength,
in due time Christ died
for the ungodly.”
Rom. 5:6.