December 1

Revelation 10:4
“When the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not”— Revelation 10:4.
FIGURATIVELY, the noise of the thunder is used in many places in Scripture as the voice of God. Elihu so speaks of it; David also, and several of the prophets. In this vision as John beheld the angels of the covenant descending from heaven, to take possession of this lower universe, with the opened book in his hand, the seven thunders of judgment roared through the skies. But their reverberations were silenced by divine authority, and John was commanded not to write what they uttered. Grace has turned aside the judgment of God for all who believe the record He has given concerning His blessed Son.
The storm of judgment broke over His sacred head on Calvary that we might never be exposed to it.
“Let us love and sing and wonder;
Let us praise the Saviour’s name;
He has hushed the law’s loud thunder;
He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame;
He has washed us in His blood;
He has brought us home to God.”
―John Newton.