December 11

Revelation 16:1
“I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth” — Revelation 16:1.
IT is in response to the anguished cries of suffering saints on earth whose prayers ascend to God continually that the seven angels empty their vials (or, more literally, bowls) of the wrath of God upon the earth. Now God may seem to be indifferent to what godless men inflict upon His people. He says, in Psalms 50:21, “These things hast thou done, and I kept silence.” As a result evil-disposed men take it for granted He is powerless to interfere. But the hour is drawing near when the long silence of God will be broken, and He will pour out His wrath upon that world which has refused to bow in repentance before Him and has manifested its hatred of His laws by oppressing and persecuting His saints. Judgment is according to righteousness, and although long delayed, will fall at last upon those who have dared to defy the living God. While the day of grace lasts, we who know Christ are responsible to seek the salvation of those for whom Christ died, that they may be delivered from the wrath to come. If men refuse to hear and heed the message they are responsible for their own ruin.
When Thou shalt come, for whom we wait,
We then shall see and know how great
The gain that faith has stored.
With joyful hearts our song we raise,
Our God and Father now to praise,
While waiting for our Lord.”
—S. Davis.