Christmas Day
“The angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” —Luke 2:10, 11.
THE miraculous birth of our Saviour is one of the foundation stones of our Christian faith. It is the companion truth to that of His expiatory sacrifice on the cross. Because of this, it will generally be found that he who denies the one denies the other. Too much importance therefore cannot be attached to the historic fact that Jesus was born of a virgin mother and that the “Child... born” was the “Son... given” (Isa. 9:6). He who deigned to enter human conditions by the birth in Bethlehem is the One “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (Mic. 5:2). To deny this is to repudiate the truth of the gospel, apart from which there is no hope for a lost world.
The Triumph of Christmas
“Can we say, ‘Merry Christmas!’
When all around it’s night;
When war spreads death and sorrow;
And wrong o’ercomes the right?
Is love the greatest power?
Or is it hate and greed?
If we speak now of Christmas,
Will anyone give heed?
‘Ah, yes!’ comes back faith’s answer;
The hearts of men still cry
For that one Consolation.
To cheer them are they dim.
Then still sound forth the Message
The angel heralds sang;
That o’er the hills of David
In peals of rapture rang.
Then from the lowly manger.
Shall rise a mighty Throne;
The Babe become earth’s ruler:
And men serve God alone.”