“He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” — Revelation 22:1.
THE pure river of the water of life that proceeds from the throne of God and of the Lamb is the Holy Spirit’s testimony to the perfection of Christ and His finished work. In this our souls shall rejoice for all eternity. As we drink of that limpid stream we shall never thirst for the vain, empty, unsatisfying things of earth.
“Insatiate to this Spring I fly;
I drink, and yet am ever dry.”
The more we know and enjoy of the preciousness of Christ the more we shall desire, and so we shall drink forever of that stream of blessing, that fountain of everlasting life.
Here on earth we know what it means to be led beside still waters and to have our spirits refreshed as the truth of Christ is revealed to us. Over there we shall know in all its fullness what here we know only in part. Christ will be our portion forever. We shall never tire of beholding Him or of the consideration of His love and grace.
“Glorious river of God’s pleasures,
Well of God’s eternal bliss,
Thirsty now no more forever,
Tread we this waste wilderness.
Waters of eternal gladness,
Won for us at countless price,
Lo, the desert is God’s garden.
And the wastes are Paradise!
—T. P.