December 4

Revelation 11:3
“I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth” — Revelation 11:3.
IN every age God has had His chosen representatives. He has never left Himself without witness. He speaks to men through men to whom He has revealed His will and committed His testimony, whether this be a message of grace, as in the present time, or of judgment as in darker days which lie just beyond this present age. The two witnesses will combine the ministries of Moses the law-giver and Elijah the restorer, as they seek to recall men to a realization of their responsibility to God and to convict them of their folly in rejecting His authority. As they thus testify for Him no power, earthly or infernal, can hinder or thwart them till all is complete. So it is with God’s witnesses now. They are “immortal till their work is done.” If persecuted even unto death it only means to triumph by faith.
All the power of the enemy cannot thwart God’s purpose. That which He has planned in eternity shall be carried out in due time.
“Speed Thy servants, Saviour, speed them!
Thou art Lord of winds and waves;
They were bound, but Thou hast freed them;
Now they go to free sin’s slaves.
Be Thou with them; ‘tis Thine arm alone that saves.
Friends and home and all forsaking,
Lord, they go at Thy command:
As their stay Thy promise taking,
While they traverse sea and land:
Oh, be with them; lead them safely by the hand.”