“She brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to His throne” — Revelation 12:5.
WE know from Psalms 2 That it is God’s own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is destined to rule the nations with the inflexible rod of righteousness. But when He is manifested as King of kings and Lord of lords His Church will be associated with Him in the government of this world, as we see in Revelation 2:26, 27. The Man Child then speaks of Christ and His Church: He the Head, the Church the Body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all. As we are to reign with Him in the coming day, we are the objects, as Israel was in the past, of Satanic malice and hatred, but all his efforts to destroy the Seed of the woman, and those who receive life from Him, will prove vain.
Just as our Lord Jesus, the Head, has been caught up to God and His throne, so in due time all His own will be gloried in the same way. Till then it is our privilege to suffer for and with Him, who, in grace, underwent such bitter agony that we might be redeemed to God. Already we are seated in Him in the heavenly places. Soon we shall be with Him there.
“Lamb of God, Thy faithful promise
Says, ‘Behold, I quickly come;’
And our hearts, to Thine responsive,
Cry, ‘Come, Lord, and take us home,’
Oh, the rapture that awaits us
When we meet Thee in the air,
And with Thee ascend in triumph,
All Thy deepest Joys to share!”
—J. G. Deck.