"Will you decide now?" was the question I put to an elderly man; but no answer followed. His head was bowed in thought. I waited, and still waited, but no reply came.
"When will you decide?" was my next interrogation, but yet no response.
"Will you decide twenty years hence?", Twenty years; twenty years, and the man already old!
"No," said he; "it is not likely that I shall live twenty years!”
"Then will you decide ten years hence?”
"No," said he; "I dare not put it off ten years?”
"Then will you decide five years hence?”
"No," he replied; "I dare not delay for five years!”
"Then will you decide this time next year?”
"No," said he; "I might die before next year.”
"Then will you decide this day next month?”
His answer was delayed.
It may be that the devil suggested that four weeks would soon roll round and that he might safely wait that length of time; but at last after mature consideration, he said—
"No, I should not wait a month.”
"Then will you decide this day next week?" Again he said "No.”
"Then will you decide this time tomorrow?”
Tomorrow, so near at hand! Tomorrow, only a few hours away! Tomorrow!
"No," said the old man, "I ought to decide now!”
Why now? Age, wisdom, conscience, time, eternity, Scripture furnish the reason why. Their combined and unanimous, their long and loud and only cry is now, NOW, NOW!
Undecided reader, say when shall it be? When? It may be NOW OR NEVER. God places a period before you. He says: "Now is the day of Salvation"—nay more, He says, "Now is the accepted time." Decide for Christ now.