Decision for Christ: What Does It Mean?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The thought of many minds seems to be that deciding for Christ only means making a firm resolution to be on His side. No doubt there is this in it; but there is much more than this. There is a firm conviction that, as to myself, my case is utterly hopeless, and that He only is to be trusted as my Savior. I decide in the light of what God is in His holiness and what I am in my sinfulness, that as a Deliverer, Christ, and Christ alone, is worthy of my confidence, and He is on my side.
I see that His welcoming "Come" is my only title to go to Him; His precious blood my only shelter from sin's just judgment; His holy name my only passport to glory, and His matchless merits my only fitness when I get there.
Have you been brought to such a decision? Then nothing can ever transpire, within you or around you, to alter that decision; no discovery of inward corruptions, no lamented fall in the hour of temptation, no subtle argument even of the arch deceiver himself can do it. Had you decided that you were personally worthy, your ways worthy of God, your feelings satisfactory to yourself, it would be different. But the fact is, that before anyone can really decide for Christ as a Savior, he must decide against himself as a sinner.
The prodigal did (Luke 15). He said, "I have sinned against heaven, and in Thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son."
The publican did (Luke 18). Hear his self-condemning cry, as smiting upon his breast he prays, "God be merciful to me a sinner."
The dying thief did (Luke 23), when he uttered his confession, "We indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds." He decided against himself. But when he turned to the Lord and expressed the desire of his heart to be remembered by Him when He came into His kingdom, he had manifestly decided for Christ.
Even the Apostle Peter was no exception. "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord," was his cry. Though he felt unfit to stay, he could not run away.
Every discovery of myself only causes me to decide more absolutely against myself as to any claim to merit God's blessing; while every day's increase of acquaintance with Christ, every fresh apprehension of His worthiness, only confirms me more in my decision for Christ.