Deliverance and Purity.

The flesh never changes. Is it necessary, then, that I should get a bad conscience? Certainly not; we should distinguish between deliverance and purity; we should not assume that we must sin. The existence of flesh does not give a bad conscience; but I never can excuse myself for allowing the flesh to act; for if I kept close to Christ it would not act. This we have to lay to heart. The existence of flesh does not stop communion, but the allowance of it does.
We are always to recognize that we have died with Christ, and should have it in power; for how can Satan tempt a dead man? The question of power is conneed with being dead with Christ.
We shall be like Him, not now, but when Christ shall appear. This hope purifies, but that is another thing. We ought now to walk as He walked; but we shall be conformed to the image of His Son.
We have died with Christ. Are you content to have died there? Is there nothing in your heart you would like to hold back from God?