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Vast barren plains. Ex. 5:3. John 6:13.
Uninhabited places. Matt. 14:15. Mar. 6:31.
Uninhabited and lonesome. Jer. 2:6.
Uncultivated. Num. 20:5. Jer. 2:2. Desolate. Ezek. 6:14.
Dry and without water. Ex. 17:1. Deut. 8:15.
Trackless. Isa. 43:19.
Great and terrible. Deut. 1:19.
Waste and howling. Deut. 32:10.
Infested with wild beasts. Isa. 13:21. Mar. 1:13.
Infested with serpents. Deut. 8:15.
Infested with robbers. Jer. 3:2. Lam. 4:19.
Danger of traveling in. Ex. 14:3. 2 Cor. 11:26.
Guides required in. Num. 10:31. Deut. 32:10.
Mirage or deceptive appearance of water. Jer. 15:18. (marg.)
Simoon or deadly wind. 2 Kin. 19:7. Jer. 4:11.
Tornadoes or whirlwinds. Isa. 21:1.
Clouds of sand and dust. Deut. 28:24. Jer. 4:12, 13.
Arabian or great desert. Ex. 23:31.
Bethaven. Josh. 18:12.
Beersheba. Gen. 21:14. 1 Kin. 19:3, 4.
Damascus. 1 Kin. 19:15.
Edom. 2 Kin. 3:8.
Engedi. 1 Sam. 24:1.
Gibeon. 2 Sam. 2:24.
Judea. Matt. 3:1.
Jeruel. 2 Chr. 20:16.
Kedemoth. Deut. 2:26.
Kadesh. Psa. 29:8.
Maon. 1 Sam. 23:24, 25.
Paran. Gen. 21:21. Num. 10:12.
Shur. Gen. 16:7. Ex. 15:22.
Sin. Ex. 16:1.
Sinai. Ex. 19:1, 2. Num. 33:16.
Ziph. 1 Sam. 23:14, 15.
Zin. Num. 20:1. Num. 27:14.
Of the Red Sea. Ex. 13:18.
Near Gaza. Acts 8:26.
Heath often found in. Jer. 17:6.
Parts of, afforded pasture. Gen. 36:24. Ex. 3:1.
Inhabited by wandering tribes. Gen. 21:20, 21. Psa. 72:9. Jer. 25:24.
The persecuted fled to. 1 Sam. 23:14. Heb. 11:38.
The disaffected fled to. 1 Sam. 22:2. Acts 21:38.
Barrenness. Psa. 106:9. Psa. 107:33, 35.
Those deprived of all blessings. Hos. 2:3.
The world. SoS. 3:6. SoS. 8:5.
The Gentiles. Isa. 35:1, 6. Isa. 41:19.
What affords no support. Jer. 2:31.
Desolation by armies. Jer. 12:10-13. Jer. 50:12.