MILLICENT WARD was the only daughter of moderately rich parents, but she moved in a circle of extremely wealthy people, and often she longed for what many of the girls of her acquaintance possessed.
I remember once she said to me, “I should be perfectly happy if I could have a diamond necklace, with one row of stones even.”
Having a treasure myself far surpassing millions of diamonds, I replied, “I think your heart is too large to be satisfied so. I have found that ‘none but Christ can satisfy.’ But He can, for I have never had a diamond in my life, and do not expect ever to possess one, and yet I am happy, having Christ as my Saviour and Friend.”
“Oh, my dear,” was the reply, “that is all very well for old people, but not for us girls; I wants some diamonds, and I mean to get them if I possibly can, and then we shall see who is happier.”
Not long after, Millicent married a rich man, and she soon had what she desired—a diamond necklace, and a title into the bargain.
One day I called to see her in her lovely new home, and in course of conversation she said, “I have my diamonds.”
“Oh,” I replied, “and are you satisfied?”
“No,” she said. “I was till last night, but then I saw a great friend of mine with two rows, and I feel I must have two also.” Then, evidently remembering our little talk together, she added, “Now, do not say anything more, for I shall soon get two rows, and then shall really be satisfied.”
Again I said a few words about where true satisfaction could alone be found, but they fell on ground choked with the pleasures of the world.
Poor Millicent never got her two rows of diamonds, for, after a very short time of married life, her husband died, leaving her, to her great surprise, only a moderate income.
She is still unsatisfied, and shows it by constantly seeking for happiness where it never can be found—at earth’s broken cisterns.
She is thirsty still, because she has not come to the One who said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto He and drink.”
Every heart wants an object, and many a one cries in its longing as death snatches its dearest and best away, “Oh tell me of something that death cannot touch.” The Lord Jesus Christ is on the other side of death, and He says, “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.” We can never rest till we are satisfied, so He satisfies and gives rest.
Is anything keeping Christ out of your heart, dear young friend?
It may not be diamonds, but it may be something quite as worthless—for worthless they are in comparison with Him, and He who made them said,
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36.
Are you going to lose your soul for the sake of getting pleasure, or wealth, or ornaments? They are Satan’s snare for the young especially. Do not be caught by them, but rather think of the attractions of Him who gave His life a ransom for all.
He has blessing for you if you will accept Him. He invites you to come to Him now, but soon the door will he shut, and all who have spurned His love and preferred the pleasures of this world, will forever be shut out from His presence.
Oh! be warned before it is too late.
ML 10/25/1903