Difference there is. The Savior recognizes the setting on His right hand and on His left; and many other passages prove it. Now, if this depend on the blood of Christ, this would attribute a various value to it: make it uncertain and imperfect in the extent of its efficacy. The blood of the Lamb gives to all their sole title to be in the glory, and gives to all an equal and perfect justification from sin; and therefore, in its effect, there can be no difference: to suppose a difference is to call in question the completeness of its efficacy. But there is a difference: and this, while the title to be in the glory is for all in the blood, depends therefore on something else. It is, in the accomplishment of the counsels of God the Father, given to those for whom it is prepared; and given, (though man is not in the least the judge of that labor, and there are first that shall be last, and last first,) according to the working and energy of the Spirit of God, and faithfulness through grace in service. God does what He will with His own. Still we know that, in doing so, He displays what He is, and is consistent with Himself; and position and ‘reward answer to the sovereignty of God, which has given us a position, and the operation of the Spirit, by which we have walked in it. It is the sovereignty of God, we know from the Lord’s answer to the sons of Zebedee, and the parable in Matt. 20. It is the fruit of labor, as we know from 1 Cor. 3:8; the parables, Luke 19 and Matt. 15; 1 Thess. 2:19, 20, 2 John 3. I suppose it will not be questioned that this work is through the efficacious operation of the Spirit of God.