Dipped From Death

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Celilo Falls is approximately 80 air miles east of 'Portland, Oregon, on the Columbia River. Many years ago the Indians were granted fishing rights, there by the United States government. Platforms are built over the water, and from there the Indians fish salmon with long-handled nets.
One Day eight-year-old Danny Sampson, an Indian boy from Yakima, fell from one of the fishing platforms into the swiftly flowing waters below He was carried helplessly downstream, and the water', were so turbulent that no one could see him. However, an Indian who was fishing nearby dipped his long-handled net into the waters below the platform, hoping somehow to find the boy, and to his happy surprise he caught him in his net and, with the help of another man, hauled him to safety. The boy was bruised and frightened, but otherwise unhurt.
A remarkable rescue! If the net had not been at the exact spot at the right moment, the young lad would have been beyond the help of anyone and would have died in the rushing waters.
This, reminds us of a much greater rescue-a work which God sent His Son to accomplish. The work was as done nearly 2000 years ago when Christ the Savior died for us upon Calvary's cross. Ever singe that time God has been calling upon people to believe in His Son, saying to them that if they will receive Him as their Savior and Lord they will receive as a, free gift "everlasting life."
The boy fell from the platform into the swift, waters of certain death, illustrating the, fact that we all belong to a fallen race, rushing on to death and judgment. Yes, the human race has fallen. People don't like to think of that, and they think up various ways to deny it. One way is the theory of evolution, which teaches that man is gradually going upward.
The Bible says that man is fallen, and needs a Savior to save him from his sins. That is why the Lord's personal name is "Jesus," because He came into this world to save us who could not save ourselves. Jesus means "Savior," and He is true to His name.
Danny Sampson knew he could not save himself. Do you know that? Or are you one of the many who try to make themselves presentable to God by doing good to other people? God refuses to be bribed in that way. No, we must come to Him in His own way, realizing we are lost and cannot save ourselves.
Why not say the same as another man who cried, "What must I do to be saved?" Do you know the answer to that question? It is clear and simple: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
The rescuer could not see the boy in the waters below, but the Lord does see you and me in our sins and on the way to a lost eternity. He is able and willing—yes, even longing—to save every one of us. All the waters of God's wrath have passed over the Lord Jesus when He bore the judgment for sins (Psa. 42:7). That is why God can be just and at the same time justify those who believe in Jesus. Have you believed in Him?
Think, too, of the joy to follow. There is joy now in heaven over one sinner that repents. You also can have a personal joy in your heart which is different from anything you can find in this world. Beside this, you can look forward with certainty to meeting the Savior face to face and being with Him and like Him forever. This is infinitely more than we could have thought of or asked for, had it been left to us.
Do not let anyone deceive you; either you are on your way to heaven, a sinner saved from his sins, or you are on your way to hell with your sins upon you. There is no middle ground, and there is no "second chance" after death. Be wise, and come now while it is still salvation's day.