The following little incident was written by an eleven year old girl, who wondered if it might not help some other little boy or girl if it were printed in the Sunday school paper, so we trust it will, and also that this little girl will always remember her experience and ask the Lord to help her to please Him.
“I had an experience not long ago that taught me a good lesson.
I wanted ever so much to go to my married sister’s home, so before leaving for school in the morning I asked my mother if I could stop there on my way home from school that evening.
‘No,’ she said, ‘the roads are too muddy for you to walk, so you must ride home on the school bus.’
After school the sun was shining so brightly, I thought the road couldn’t be so very muddy, so decided to walk to my sister’s anyway. Satan was tempting me and I thought it wouldn’t hurt fur once, but it always does when you are disobedient.
When I reached home my mother looked disappointed. She said she had been looking and looking for me. It was around my birthday, and I had received two packages through the mail that day. Mother was very sorry that I had been disobedient, and said,
‘I am sorry, but for your punishment you may not open one of your packages until tomorrow.’
At first I felt vexed and brought up all sorts of excuses, but I knew I had been disobedient and felt very unhappy and sorry that I had been so naughty. I knew too, that the Lord Jesus saw me, and it made Him sad too. How I wished that I had listened to my mother. I just had to cry and cry. At last I got down on my knees and told the Lord Jesus all about it.
I told my mother how sorry I was, then I wished daddy would come in from work so I could tell him, too. Not because I wanted my presents, no, but I just wanted to tell him how sorry I felt for disobeying. Finally he came in and I told him, and he and mother both forgave me, and now I am happy again.
I know the Lord Jesus is very well pleased if we do obey our parents. He tells us so in this verse:
‘Children obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.’” Colossians 3:20.
ML 12/04/1938