A MISSIONARY had been sent for, to visit a dying man. He had a long way to go, but he mounted a horse, and rode fast. He had to pass through a gate. It was closed. But at last a man came and opened it for him.
“Thank you, my friend, and now tell me, Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?”
The man stared; but as he made no reply, the missionary rode off.
Many years afterwards he was holding a meeting, and after it was over a gentleman begged to speak with him. And what was the surprise of the missionary when he said, “I am greatly in your debt, sir!”
“In my debt? I do not understand you. I do not remember ever seeing you before.”
“Sir, I am in your debt, more than I can ever repay you; for through your words I have been brought to a knowledge of Christ. Do you remember riding through a gate, and saying to the man who held it, ‘Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?’ I am that man. But then I had never heard of Christ. Your words sank into my heart, and I asked everyone I met with, if they could tell me who Jesus Christ was, and why I should love Him? At last I found a pious woman, and she told me all you had taught her. And now I am a Christian.”
Thus did God bless the missionary’s words, spoken at the right moment.
ML 10/26/1924