Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(leaders). Descendants of Javan (Gen. 10:4; 1 Chron. 1:7).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Descendants of Javan, son of Japheth (Gen. 10:4; 1 Chron. 1:7). In the margin the name is RODANIM, which has some manuscript authority.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or (by orthographical error) Rodaniym (1 Chron. 1:7) {ro-daw-neem'}; a plural of uncertain derivation; Dodanites, or descendants of a son of Javan
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
their loves (?)
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Progress; increase; leaders:―family or race descended from Javan [DEDAN], Gen. 10:4. {Progressus}