I HOPE that all the girls who read this paper love dolls and that no boy who reads it, despises them. Girls who love dolls, make good mothers. In making clothes for dolly they learn to sew and make clothing for themselves and others. That is what this little girl is doing. Boys who despise dolls are apt to be—not manly, but rude and boisterous. I believe that God is pleased when He looks down and sees brothers and sisters playing kindly together. You know He is going to have children playing bye and bye in the streets of His City. Do not make an idol of your doll. Do not let any of your plays interfere with your duty. Be always ready to drop them to wait on Mother, because God has said,
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord. for this is right.” Eph. 6:1.
ML 11/02/1902