It has become common to have bumper stickers on cars, especially on the rear end, intended to provoke a laugh from those who read them. There is one, for instance, which says,
They often bring smiles from passersby. But, as in all jokes, there are often some things which should be taken seriously. We recently noticed a sign on a passing car:
No one would think of following a man who was lost himself! However, there are millions of people today of whom it could be said, "They are lost—do not follow them." A man who is lost is one that cannot find his way back, and he is sure to perish unless someone else comes to his rescue.
All of us are passing along life's journey; we entered the world, and it is sure that some day we must leave it. Man came from God's hand; He created him. But man has lost God through sin; He cannot make his own way back to God, and if he dies in that condition, he will die in his sins and remain lost for all eternity.
But God sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19.) He was the Good Shepherd who not only sought the lost sheep, but gave His life for the guilty, hell-deserving sheep. He is the Savior of sinners.
So now, today, no one need remain lost and estranged from God, for He Himself has devised a way to bring sinners back to Himself. All it requires on the sinner's part is to own before God that he is a poor, lost sinner, and that he needs and wants a Savior. God's promise to such is, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
Just admit that you are away from God and that you cannot find your way back to Him—own that you are lost—and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, died on the cross and there suffered God's righteous judgment of sin so that you can be saved. Believe that He died for you, and on the authority of God's precious, holy Word you are saved. Then you can say, "Once I was lost, but now I am saved!"