"Don't Talk to Me!"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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In a Christian family there were three little sisters. One day a friend gave them a bag of candy which was shared equally between them.
Beth and Linda, the two older sisters, ate theirs rather sparingly, to make it last, and they kept some for the next day. They each hid what was left over under their clothes in their drawers.
Little Sally, the youngest of the three, who was little more than a baby, had not yet learned to save for the future. Her share was soon gone, and she began to cast longing glances at her sisters who were still enjoying theirs. Later in the day her craving for sweets got the best of her and yielding to temptation, while her sisters were playing outside, she began to rummage through their drawers. Her search was rewarding. The hidden candy was discovered, and soon she was enjoying to the full her coveted find.
Scripture says: “Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.” Prov. 9:17. It wasn’t long before the last of her sisters’ treasured store had disappeared down the little girl’s tummy.
The next day, sure enough, Beth and Linda discovered their loss. They had little doubt as to who the thief was, and the two young prosecuting attorneys were not long in subjecting Sally to a severe cross-examination. However, no amount of probing or persuasion could force the young culprit to confess. Seated in her high chair she stoutly refused to answer their questions.
“Don’t talk to me!” she exclaimed. “I won’t talk!”
This was a giveaway and an indication of guilt. A little later, standing in a corner with her two interrogators before her, Sally confessed to the theft.
That was long ago. Sally has grown up, a happy Christian young lady, who loves to tell others about her Saviour.
Tiny though she was, Sally had a conscience—that faithful monitor in all of us that first warns, and then convicts when we do wrong. May we ever heed its voice. Sometimes it whispers low when we are first tempted. Then if we do not take heed, it speaks louder and warns us against doing wrong. Then if we fail, it does not let us rest until we have confessed our sin.
Sin does not pay. Sin only brings unhappiness, sorrow, shame and misery. And if unconfessed, it will bring us into judgment. How much better to trust the Lord for salvation and ask Him to keep us from falling.
Thank God there is a remedy for sin, for He says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Prov. 28:13.