dove, pigeon

“Dove” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(diver). Clean by the law and offered as a sacrifice by the poor (Gen. 15:9; Lev. 5:7; 12:6-8; Luke 2:24); symbol of innocence (Matt. 10:16); harbinger of God (Gen. 8); emblem of Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:16).

“Dove’s Dung” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

Eaten as a last resort, in time of famine (2 Kings 6:25).

“Pigeon” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(chirping bird). [DOVE.]

“Dove's Dung” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

Some take this in 2 Kings 6:25 to represent a kind of herb; we have plants similarly named, as cowslip, hart’s-tongue, and the Arabs have a herb they call “sparrows’ dung.”

“Turtle, Turtle Dove” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

Where the word “turtle” occurs in the AV the “turtledove” is always to be understood. They are of the family of pigeons, and are plentiful in Palestine, of which there are several species. They could easily be procured by the poorest for the offerings, and a pair of them was brought when the Lord was presented in the temple (Gen. 15:9; Lev. 1:14; Lev. 5:7,11; Lev. 12:6,8; Num. 6:10; Psa. 74:19; Jer. 8:7; Luke 2:24). They are the harbinger of spring and when they return from their migration are a symbol of fruitfulness (Song of Sol. 2:12). The Turtur risorius is a dove found in Palestine. See DOVE.
Streptopelia Turtur—A turtle dove found in the Beyt Shean Valley.

“Pigeon” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

The well-known bird, often associated with the turtle dove, as being used by the poor in various sacrifices. A pair of these birds were offered when the Lord was presented in the temple (Luke 2:24). Pigeons were so numerous in Palestine that the poor were enabled easily to obtain a pair for any needed sacrifice (Gen. 15:9; Lev. 1:14; Lev. 5:7,11; Lev. 12:6,8; Lev. 14:22,30; Lev. 15:14,29; Num. 6:10).
Turtle Dove – Streptopelia Turtur
Rock Pigeon

Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:

of uncertain derivation; a pigeon
KJV Usage:
dove, pigeon