Dropping Seeds.

“The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed... the least of all seeds; but when it is grown, it... becometh a tree.”— (Matt. 13:31, 32.)
MANY great histories of blessing may be traced back to a very small seed. A woman whose name is forgotten dropped a tract, or little book, in the way of a man named Richard Baxter. He picked it up and read it, and it led him to Christ. He became a holy Christian, and wrote a book entitled, “A Call to the Unconverted,” which brought many persons to the Saviour, and among others Philip Doddridge. Philip Doddridge, in turn, wrote, “The Rise and Progress of Religion,” which led many into the kingdom of God, among them the great Wilberforce. Wilberforce wrote, “A Practical View of Christianity,” which was the means of saving a multitude, among them Legh Richmond. In his turn Legh Richmond wrote the book called, “The Dairyman’s Daughter,” which has been instrumental in the conversion of many thousands.
The dropping of that one little tract seemed a very small thing to do; but see what a wonderful, many-branched tree has sprung from it!
This is only one illustration of marvels of grace coming from the most minute grains of the heavenly seed.
One seed planted in a heart, dropped by some very humble worker, perhaps unconsciously, may not only save a soul for an eternity of blessedness, but may start a series of divine influences which shall reach thousands of other lives. A simple invitation from his brother brought Simon to Jesus; and what a tree sprung from that seed!
Let us go on, day by day, dropping seeds into as many hearts as we can. We may not always know what comes of them, but from any one of them may spring a history of blessing which shall reach thousands of souls. The branches of the tree from one seed may spread over all lands.
J. R. Miller, D.D.