Duncan Finds His Way

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DUNCAN was one of a good ship’s crew that put in and were paid off at port after a long voyage.
At once he took the train to a town a few miles distant, intending to go to see his only sister. He knew that during his absence she had married and settled there, but he did not know her address.
“Still, I’ll find her somehow,” he said, as he left the station; and he smiled as he pictured the surprise his visit would be to her. And he planned how that directly after he left her, he would also go to another city to see his widowed mother.
“Can you tell me where Mrs. Rawlingson lives?” Duncan asked a man on the road.
“Yes,” he answered; “you must take the path through that field, and at the top of the hill ask directions at one of the cottages.”
Off started the sailor, and noticing gathering clouds, and hearing distant peals of thunder, he quickened his steps. By the time he reached the brow of the hill big drops were beginning to fall, and he hastily knocked at the door of the nearest cottage. An old lady came to the door.
“Rawlingson!” said she in answer to his inquiry. “Yes, she lives five minutes’ walk from here. But do come in out of the storm,” and as she spoke a flash of lightning nearly blinded them.
Gladly Duncan went into the old-fashioned cottage. He told the woman of his long voyage, and she in turn spoke of her son who was in India.
“You see,” said she, “he isn’t a Christian, that’s what makes me unhappy about him. He’s living only for this world, and it’s but a poor shut-in sort of life when the soul has no bright hope of one beyond. He’s a fine fellow, my boy, and if he were living for Jesus, what a happy life he might have!”
Duncan made no reply, but her bright earnestness struck him, and he listened to her. The storm over, she pointed out the path, and once more he sallied forth. He soon arrived at the cottage, but alas, the Mrs. Rawlingson little volume was, he felt sure, unlike any he had ever seen. He must make one more attempt to secure it.
Drawing a fine, white handkerchief from his pocket, he offered it, and the offer was accepted. They parted, and Alfredo, crossing a field and reaching a lonely spot, began to read. He soon became so absorbed in the book that time and place were forgotten as he read on and on the wondrous, and to him, the new story of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He did not close the book until he read it all, and surprised at the lateness of the hour, hurried home.
“Those that seek Me early shall find Me.” Prov. 8:17.
“For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
From that day the book was his constant companion, and the more he read, the better he loved it. The Saviour’s words, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28), seemed to him a living voice, full of compassion and tenderness, calling him, and though he did not then see God’s way of salvation quite clearly, he was reaching toward the light. He soon longed to share with others the glad tidings of the gospel, so daily he would make his way alone to the riverside, where the village women washed their clothes. While they washed, Alfredo would read to them, and soon several began to listen, and to love the Book too. Things went on for some weeks, till one day some men came along, and finding the boy with the gospel, took it away and reproved him sharply for reading it.
Alfredo felt the loss of his treasured book keenly, but made up his mind that he would try to buy another. He had in some way found that the gospel was part of a much larger Book, called “The Bible,” and he saved every coin he could earn. When he had almost the require sum, a colporteur passed through the village, and finding that Alfredo really longed for the Word of God, gave him a copy in exchange for his savings.
How glad the boy was! How he love the Book, and pored over its pages! It was not long before he found peace believing. He still lives, and loves to tell others of the One Who sought and saved him.
Has the Word of God brought peace and joy to your soul, dear friend? Do you know the Lord Jesus, the One whom God sent into this world to die on the cross to save you, and do you value God’s Word as Alfredo did? If you turn to Him now, like Alfredo, you will receive a new life, eternal life, and then what peace and happiness you will have! One day too you will go and dwell with Jesus in heaven forever.