Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(alliance). Eber (Luke 3:35). Others (Gen. 46:17; Num. 26:45; Judg. 4:17; 1 Chron. 4:18; 5:13; 7:31; 8:17,22).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
1. Son of Beriah, a son of Asher, and head of the family of the HEBERITES (Gen. 46:17; Num. 26:45; 1 Chron. 7:31-32).
2. A Kenite, of the family of Hobab: he was husband of Jael who killed Sisera (Judg. 4:11,17,21; Judg. 5:24).
3. Son of Jehudijah, of the tribe of Judah (1 Chron. 4:18).
4. Head of a family in the tribe of Gad (1 Chron. 5:13).
5. Son of Elpaal, a Benjamite (1 Chron. 8:17).
6. Son of Shashak, a Benjamite (1 Chron. 8:22).
7. Son of Sala in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus (Luke 3:35). Called EBER (Gen. 10:24; 1 Chron. 1:18; and others).
Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:
of Hebrew origin (5677); Eber, a patriarch
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
beyond: the other side (as having crossed over)
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
A passing over companion:―name mentioned in genealogy of Jesus, Luke 3:35. {Transitus}