Echoes From the Mission Field

 •  6 min. read  •  grade level: 8
THE following extracts from letters, written by different hardworking evangelists laboring in Cuba and South America, will interest our readers. The first, dating from Havana, describes what seems incredible idolatry! What a need there is in this Spanish possession for the pure truth of God's Word! It will be observed that the different correspondents are longing for Bibles and tracts in Spanish and Portuguese, which are gladly received and read by the people. The books, for which they express their thanks, were sent to them from the United States. If any of our readers should be stirred up to contribute to the expense of purchasing Bibles and printing such tracts, their help should be sent to the Editor of FAITHFUL WORDS, care of Mr. A. Holness, 14, Paternoster Row, and it shall be duly acknowledged, and devoted to the end in view. The Editor would like very much to issue in both Spanish and Portuguese the series of reprints from FAITHFUL WORDS that are now published in French, under the title “Recites Vrais," which can be had of the publisher of FAITHFUL WORDS in a one shilling packet.
Havana is the most wicked of towns, it is a veritable Babylon... The people at present are occupied only with balls and festivals, in church processions and other follies, in celebration of the Centenary of Columbus.
Seven leagues east of Havana is the small town of Aguacate, with a population of one thousand six hundred; there they have a sanctuary of the holy “Christ of Salud" (health or salvation). It is made of wood and sticks, and they say it used to sweat blood every Friday, but on account of being profaned by an old woman it ceased sweating blood, and now only cures pilgrims of great faith. It has an altar of silver and possesses $500,000 (i.e., about 100,000.) The people celebrate a great fair there for Resurrection day, and yesterday the papers published the request of the Alcalde (Mayor) of the place, to celebrate " Rogativas " (public prayers). There will be three days of feasts, three high masses, and a procession of the “Feather of San Rafael "—for they have there an actual feather from the right wing of the archangel! The "Christ of the trembling’s," ' which frightens everyone—for its body is made of wires and it shakes horribly-will be brought out, and the "Hairy Spider of St. Valencia," an insect that is worshipped, will also be exposed to view. At night three balls for the benefit of souls will be held.
These townspeople also permit the peoples of Africa to bring forth their idol “Grugru” and "Santa Barbara," the martyr of Alexandria, which the Africans here worship as the goddess of sorcery. The Africans will have their unclean dances after the manner of the Congo.
The townspeople will also have, in the sacred door of the church, games with ducks. These unfortunate creatures are hung up by a cord, and the person who succeeds, in pulling off the head of the poor bird gets the prize-and can you believe it?—at the hands of the image of Christ. What blasphemy!
All this proceeds together with great devotions to the monstrous spider and also to demons, which these poor creatures confound with that Good Being "who so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
We ask you, for the love of Christ, to continue sending us your valuable publications. God will reward for so much love shown to this work in Cuba. Pray for us. J. M.
It will be three years this month that we have been here spreading the gospel of the Lord. Neither sickness, nor prison, nor enemies have separated me from His love for a moment. In my sufferings I find comfort in having all my hope in the Lord; in my prayers to Him I entreat for you and for those who are helping in the propagation of the gospel.
Here, brother, we have to fight with the greatest difficulties. The people are the poorest in the island; there are many who seek the charity of the Fathers, whom the Government pays for.
In no place is missionary work more difficult, and, nevertheless, without resources, we have been doing what we could these three years, and thanks to the Lord, we continue in His service. I hope that you will continue sending us your publications. It is upon such help we count, and upon Jesus Christ, whose words we keep with love, and through whose love we hope in our brethren and their love to Him that they will not forget Guanabacoa, where the gospel is so much needed. D. H.
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Your letter has filled me with much joy. It has comforted me, because I see that in the gospel mission we have not been forgotten by those who are anxious to escape from the darkness in which Christianity has been involved. The tracts and periodicals received are a powerful means for the diffusion of the truth, and for my part it will be a great satisfaction to the distribution of such sound teachings.... I. B.
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Your suggestion, that of my sending you the Portuguese translations to print is the best of all. It has, however, this drawback, and that is, at present we have no means of helping in the expenses. We have here, as you know, a small press which is struggling along bravely, but our discouragements are great. Type, paper, etc., are very expensive her; one ream of common paper costing thirty milreis, which is equal now to about $15. Therefore, if you could print the tracts and send me some thousands, we might sell some (for we both sell and distribute freely) and then we would remit to you the financial result.
Brazil is a vast place. Our press is struggling hard to spread abroad the knowledge of Him who is able to save, but it is not able to do much... Therefore any encouragement given to this press helps both us and the Lord's work in Brazil.... The Italian tracts which you offer will be most acceptable, fox Italians abound in this land.
Argentine Republic
I received the packages of paper and tracts. Scarcely had they been received before they were distributed, causing in this town great wonder and interest. Thanks be to God. May He bless the work of that worthy undertaking-printing tracts. F. P. DE S.
The Lord grant His richest blessing... for the many tracts you continue sending... I doubt not these will produce their fruits. I have distributed many and all have been received as good news... Helped by another, we have six meetings a week, three in the colony and three in the town, where many souls appear to be interested in the preaching of the gospel. D. B.
Rio Cuanto
Could you send me occasionally some tracts in Spanish for circulation here? The Andine Province is very large and there is no Evangelical literature here among the people. Bibles are very scarce, and I cannot get them in these towns between Rosario de Santa Fe and San Luis, near to Mendoza. I have been here four years working for the Lord, and I am praying to the Lord to send some tracts in Spanish. The fields are white, and God will reward what may be done. F. A