“Come, look at the snowflakes, mother,
So pure and white and fair!
They are falling all around us,
And resting everywhere.
No leaves are seen in the garden,
The snow has covered all;
I think I should never weary
Watching the snowflakes fall.
“To me they seem just like treasures,
Strewn by some unseen hand;
By one who delights to spread them
Upon both sea and land.
I wonder not that their beauty
Is far too fair to last,
For their pure and dazzling brightness
Can never be surpassed.”
“The snowflakes are pretty, Edith,
And pure, and fair, and white;
But I know of something fairer—
More spotless in God’s sight,
I’ll tell you about it, darling,
For you would like to know
How ought on earth can be fairer
Than e’en the pure white snow.
“He saw we were lost and guilty,
So He devised a plan,
By which to bring full salvation
To sinful ruined man.
God sent down His Son from heaven,
He spared Him from His side;
And that we may be forgiven,
The blessed Saviour died.
“Yes darling, He came to save us
By dying on the tree;
And He bore the awful judgment
Bore it for you and me,
By His blood has made atonement
For all who will believe
And He waits today to bless us,
If we His Word receive.
“His blood is so precious, Edith,
It cleanses from all sin,
And it leaves the soul as spotless,
As though no stain had been.
It is fit for God’s own presence,
Christ’s blood has made it so;
The soul that has trusted Jesus,
Is whiter far than snow.”
ML 11/18/1938