This editorial was written March 20, one day after the Lord called to Himself our dear brother Gordon Hayhoe, a gracious, faithful servant and spiritual father, known and loved by many.
Though our beloved brother would not have wished to have anything written about himself or his service, our God tells us to “remember them... who have spoken unto you the word of God.” Then He encourages us to follow the example of faith we have observed in their lives (Heb. 13:7).
That is what a spiritual father does for his spiritual children: Because he loves Christ, he speaks of Christ, he lives for Christ and he is an example of following Christ. The precious Saviour is thus presented as the sole, absorbing Object of the heart. “Draw me, we will run after Thee” (Song of Sol. 1:4).
The Need of Fathers
Twenty-seven years ago, in an address to young people, our beloved brother commented, “I don’t know how soon the Lord will come. I hope He comes very soon. But if He leaves us here a little longer, who can tell what will happen as the Lord removes the older ones from among us one by one. Young people, there is a place for you to be used in blessing to God’s dear people.”
May hearts be freshly stirred about our need of spiritual fathers as “one by one” we continue to see those the Lord has given for blessing called home to Himself. How we need those fathers whose hearts love the One who is “chiefest among ten thousand”!
The Work of Fathers
The work of spiritual fathers is unceasing and vital, characterized by earnest longing for spiritual growth and blessing among God’s beloved children.
Fathers encourage and cultivate spiritual growth by applying the truth of God in love and discernment.
Fathers, in grace and tenderness, seek to form and guide children, not just with their words, but by the actions of their own lives.
Fathers have shepherding hearts that willingly trouble themselves to know the state of the flocks.
Fathers constantly go before the throne of grace, bearing there the burdens, difficulties, trials and sorrows of those on their hearts.
In Ephesians 4:14-15, Paul exhorts believers not to remain children but, by holding the truth in love (JND), to grow into spiritual maturity in Christ. 1 Thessalonians 2:7 shows the gracious, fathering spirit in which he acted: “We were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children.”
May God exercise and raise up spiritual fathers who desire to stand “in the gap” (Ezek. 22:30), in faith and love guiding Christ’s precious sheep and lambs.
The Example of Fathers
In admonishing the Corinthian believers, his beloved children in the faith, Paul reminded them that even should they have ten thousand teachers, yet they had not many fathers (1 Cor. 4:14-16 JND).
He who had preached the gospel to them was their spiritual father, and it was he who entreated them as his beloved spiritual children to imitate his life of faith. Paul loved them, knew their condition and needs, and communicated the mind of God to them so they might be blessed. Above all else, he lived before them that which he spoke to them.
Scriptural truth is vital and unchangeable. But teachers—even if there be ten thousand of them—seeking to impart their knowledge of divine things without personal exercise before God about how and what and when and to whom truth is to be imparted—may hinder rather than help the growth and fruit that a spiritual father has fostered.
The Sacrifice of Fathers
The Lord Jesus Christ was the supreme object of Paul’s heart. He suffered the loss of all things for the sake of Christ (Phil. 3:8), and in love for Christ and His dear people he was willing to sacrifice everything—even his life for their blessing (Phil. 2:17).
May there be renewed individual and collective prayer that in these final, closing moments of the day of grace true spiritual fathers might be raised up—those who are willing to make personal sacrifices in order that the flock might be preserved and blessed.
“What ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these things do; and the God of peace shall be with you” (Phil. 4:9 JND).