The current problems of Israel with the Palestinians arc a re-hash of their old troubles with the
Philistines. From the time of Joshua to King David, the Philistines were the enemies of God's people
from Within. Typically they are the thorns of Satan's power where he has not been driven out.
What can Israel do at present with such a large number of displaced people? And the number increases instead of diminishing. So far the wisest and most well-meaning of the leaders of the world have not come up with a solution.
Defense minister Yitzhak Rabin concedes that the present turmoil amongst the Palestinians reflects their despair and frustration. About deportation, he goes on to say that this is the only effective method to help us maintain peace and order.
Back in the days of Joshua, the Israelites should have taken the promised land from the Philistines butt they failed to do so. The Philistines represent the pretension and intrusion of man in the flesh into that which belongs to God King Saul who was head and shoulders above the rest as a man in the flesh could not dispossess the Philistines, but instead he was afraid of them. King David in contrast, as a type of Christ, conquered their champion and went on to gain the victory over the Philistines so that in Solomon's time they were tributary and peace reigned.
There are lessons for us as Christians to learn from these things. We, too, have failed to possess practically all that is promised to us. The truth of our heavenly calling and citizenship is often forgotten or not appreciated. We only possess the truth that we walk in. All the blessings in heavenly places are ours. They belong to us, but how much do we know and enjoy them? Do we put on the whole armor of God, that we "may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil"? Eph. 6:11.
Great David's greater Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has completely conquered Satan. We now are told to "resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you" James 4:7, 8. Our weapon of offense is the Word of God. For David to defeat Goliath, it took only one of the five stones. For Christ to vanquish the devil's temptations He used words only from the book of Deuteronomy.
It is not, then, strength in the flesh that can defeat the enemy at our side, but it is dependence upon and confidence in God and in His Word that practically gain the victory. Surely the solution to all the turmoil and unrighteousness in this world is Christ received as Savior. He will take His own out of the world before He cleanses it in judgment. Then His righteous reign, and that alone, can and will correct all and settle the nations around Israel, bringing in peace and blessing on the earth. Ed.