
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The European Community (E. C.) this year has finally compromised on farm subsidies. The negotiating sessions were furious with much name-calling and yet Europe is inexorably getting together. Language is still a major barrier. The twelve nations use twelve different currencies and speak nine different languages.
The aim of the E. C. is to have open borders by 1992. In order to break down the various trade barriers, they have already enacted three hundred new rules. Multinational companies with their large resources and expertise are already showing the way to operate successfully in Europe as it is now an amalgamation of nations. They are ready for the various parts to become one.
Will this be the revived Roman Empire? It is easy to look back in history and see that the breakup of the old Roman Empire formed a cluster of kingdoms in Europe. The Latin language stamped its trace on all the European languages. Outwardly, the Empire vanished. It will appear again. Rev. 17 speaks of the beast that was, and is not, and yet is (or shall be present). That time for its reappearance to us seems to be drawing near. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we do not really expect to see this renewed Roman Empire. The rapture of those that are Christ's will take place before the judgments begin to fall to accomplish the prophecies of the book of Revelation from chapter 6 on through the book.
We know from Rev. 17:12 That there will be ten kings that will receive power as kings for one hour with the beast. These, in unity, will give their power and strength unto the beast. Truly, right now we are living in very interesting times that should fill the believer with joyful expectation of seeing his Lord and Savior at any moment. Ed.
We wait not tribulation times.
Nor seek we death to take us.
We scan not skies for signs of men,
Such studies yield no profit.
We wait not tribulation times.
Nor seek we death to take us.
We wait for God's Beloved Son.
None from this hope can shake us.
Our Lord is coming; this we know,
Some day, some night or at noon,
And though we have no date to show,
We know He is coming soon.