Living in Jerusalem at this present time are people who verify the truth of the Lord Jesus' statement in Matt. 24:34: This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Generation in this verse means a class of people. Both then and now there were and are Christ-rejecters. The same is true as to Christ-believers.
When Christ came the first time, the nation rejected Him, but a small remnant accepted Him. When the antichrist comes, the nation will receive him (John 5:43) and the godly remnant will refuse him.
Two very interesting groups of people now in Jerusalem have come to our attention in this past year. The first group are those who say, "We have left Jesus and returned to Moses." They are apostates (anti-christ) and come under the condemnation of Heb. 6:6, "They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame." They have "done despite unto the Spirit of grace." Heb. 10:29.
Another group in the old city of Jerusalem, working on a project called Treasures of the Temple, are preparing all the objects and utensils necessary for the restoration of the Temple rites. The priestly garments are tediously being made. Some of them are seamless, being made on a computerized loom.
Some of the rabbis say that only after the Messiah comes will the Temple be built. The solid gold menorah (candlestick) plans are ready. The cost estimated is one-and-one-quarter-million dollars.
An ultra-orthodox group of Jews lives near the center of the city in a place called Mea Shearim. They very strictly observe the Sabbath. Women in immodest dress are strictly forbidden. The residents of Mea Shearim are called haredim, meaning God-fearing ones. Counting them and the orthodox Jews living around Mea Shearim, the total number surpasses 80,000. We might ask if these are the very ones who will preach the gospel of the kingdom during the coming tribulation period. The Lord knows and we know He will have those to go forth with this message of His second coming to reign as King. In Matt. 25, Jesus calls them "My brethren," that is, they will be Jews who carry this message in that day. Surely that day is approaching, but it cannot come until the heavenly saints are caught up to their heavenly position. It is at this time that God begins again a work with His earthly people Israel. The Gentiles also will be gathered into Christ's millennial kingdom for blessing around Israel. Very great judgments are necessary to cleanse and prepare the earth and a people for earthly blessing. Now at this time, all blessing is through receiving Christ by faith through the gospel of the grace of God. Such will have part in the heavenly kingdom. Paul's last words in 2 Timothy state this for himself, "The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." 2 Tim. 4:18. Ed.