
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
One estimate of the number of Jews still in Russia puts the total at 3.5 million. Perhaps this number is about the same as those now in Israel.
Because of the changed policy in the Soviet Union, virtually any Jew who wants to leave is now free to do so. What will happen? Will there be a massive exodus?
Many Jews are waiting for immigration papers to western countries, usually the United States. Hundreds of families waiting to come to Israel have difficulty finding available apartments in overcrowded absorption renters. Immigrants who can get an apartment often arrive penniless and so must be supported by the State or some organization. Many things slow down the arrival of masses of people and we are sure that this will be better for them in the future.
Very few people realize that the time of Jacob's trouble is near. Our Lord spoke of it as the "great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matt. 24:21. Just a few verses before this, He gave a warning to the people that will be living in Judea in the time of the fulfillment of this prophecy. He said. "Let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains." v. 16.
The center of the terrible tribulation will be in Jerusalem and Judea. Our conclusion then is that since that dreadful time of judgment is so very near the worst possible place for a Jew to be is right there in the land of Israel. Those who are there will be caught. They are the children of those who said to Pilate in Matt. 27:25, "His blood be on us, and on our children.”
Approximately two thirds of the Bible is about Israel. God has chosen them for blessing and He will bless them and accomplish all His promises concerning them. Deut. 32:9 says, "the Lord's portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.”
Much of God's plan for His people has been prophetically revealed. The seven feasts of Jehovah given in Lev. 23 are a complete outline of God's dealing with them from the deliverance from Egypt on to the millennium. The first four feasts are fulfilled as to the prophecy. The last three are yet future, but we believe are nearing the time of their fulfillment.
The next one to come is called the feast of trumpets. Isaiah and Jeremiah and many other passages of Scripture tell of the gathering of Israel and Judah back to their own land. These scriptures make it clear that at a certain time, a special call will go forth from God to bring His own people back to their own land. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament speak of this call as a trumpet, so we believe that the feast of trumpets foretells that trumpet blast that will call Israel back.
These past two millenniums for the Jew have been distress and homelessness instead of peace and rest. Just ahead of them are the most terrible judgments, yet, their rest and joy are soon to come. Is it possible that the first notes of that silver trumpet, or their echo from above, are beginning to fall on the ears of Israel? Besides Jews in Russia, many in Latin America are hearing a call to return to the land of their fathers. Extreme inflation in many countries makes many Jews want to leave their present country and so they think of Jerusalem and Israel.
Surely Israel is beginning to come into remembrance before God. The order will be the rapture of the Church, then the seven years of tribulation, the end of the times of the Gentiles, then the thousand-year kingdom of Christ with all Israel blessed and the Gentiles also blessed around Israel. Ed.