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A new heart... a new spirit
Money, or its equivalent, from the very earliest time has been very important to man. It is interesting that it is mentioned more frequently in the book of Genesis than in any other book in the Bible.
As the prophetic plan unfolds in Scripture, we notice that at the end of man's history it is merchandise that becomes most important to man. This comes before us both in Ezekiel and in the Revelation. Money and merchandise are measures of wealth, but as men say, "You can't eat money" A significant part of merchandise is food or commodities of agricultural production.
Currently, the world is striving to increase finances and merchandise of every sort to meet the needs of the masses of humanity now living on this planet. Food supplies are bountiful, but many things interfere with equitable distribution.
One of the recent attempts to help the world situation is called Global Custody. Primarily, this is designed to serve the monetary needs world-wide. It has two related product areas: (1) Commodity-type clearing, and (2) value-added services. Doubtless, something similar to these proposals is needed in this world as it now operates.
Another thing that hinders distribution and makes life difficult for many is the breakdown of national governments and the shifting of national boundaries, especially in Eastern Europe.
Terrorism and kidnapping affect many people and efforts to stop such wicked and destructive actions have not been entirely successful.
To Israel, as well as for us all, God wrote in Deuteronomy 24:7, "If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you.”
Truly the problems of this present world are massive and numerous. Global economic needs are enormous when we think not just of Eastern Europe and Asia but of the masses in all of the third world nations. To solve the financial needs surely will be easy compared to the control and the behavior that will be necessary to accomplish anything like a steady political climate in which food, clothing and shelter can be enjoyed by all, or even a large part of the human race.
Man has to begin and work with the outside, whereas God always begins on the inside. Until the heart is changed, there is no hope. Ezekiel writes about merchandise in chapters 26-28, and prophesies of its collapse or shipwreck. This doubtless is in the tribulation period following the rapture of the Church. Then he takes up Israel in chapters 36 and 37. They are gathered from among all countries, and then he writes, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you." Ezek. 36:26. This will be true of Israel in the kingdom and it is what Jesus referred to in speaking to Nicodemus in John 3:5. But now through repentance (a change of heart) and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are born again.
Then, from the inside, God's work by the Spirit is manifest. Today the kingdom of God is a moral thing and you cannot see it, but you can see the results which are righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). Meanwhile, the "powers that be" which are ordained of God will continue to have great and numerous difficulties beyond their solution. We should pray for them, for they are ministers of God for our good (Rom. 13:4; 1 Tim. 2:1, 2).
C. Buchanan
A new heart also will I
give you, and a new spirit
will I put within you.
Ezekiel 36:26