
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Where Is Israel Heading?
Lately there seems to be a renewed interest in the events in and around present-day Israel. It is good for us to be interested in that part of the world which God has chosen and where one day, not too far distant, He will place His Son upon His holy hill. The second psalm says, "Yet have I set My King upon My holy hill of Zion.”
People are asking, "What about Israel's giving up Jericho and the West Bank and Gaza to gain some peace with their enemies—especially the Palestinians?”
1. Will it work out well for Israel?
2. How long will it last?
3. Can peace be purchased with territory?
4. Will Israel lose Jerusalem?
5. What will happen to the Mosque of Omar?
6. Who will possess the temple site?
These are all very interesting questions to which a short-term answer is difficult to give. Events sometimes move quickly and sometimes slowly. Even before these lines are published and read, some of the answers could be evident or even history. As to the final answers to these questions, it seems to me that God's Word gives a clear response. We refer you to Matt. 24:1-28 and then on to verse 44. All of this section is Jewish.
Already there has been a partial fulfillment of the first two verses, but prophecy always looks on to the end. That is, it looks on to Christ and His coming to claim the earth. Verse 8 mentions the beginning of sorrows which is the first part of the 7 years of judgment to precede the 1000-year kingdom period. Verse 21 speaks of the great tribulation. This is the last half of the 7 years.
1. In considering God's Word we will say in answer to the first question that it will not work out well for present-day Israel.
2. As to the second question, we cannot tell how long some measure of peace will last from recent national negotiations, but probably not very long.
3. If peace is purchased with territory, it surely will be limited and is even likely to cause Israel's enemies to desire more concessions later.
4. To the question, "Will Israel lose Jerusalem?" we say, "Yes, they will.”
5. Surely the Mosque of Omar will come down.
6. As to who will possess the temple site, Psa. 132 gives a definite answer. "For the Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His habitation. This is My rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it." vv. 13, 14. Ed.
"Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart."
Matt. 11:29