The world in which we live is caught up in a rapidly increasing cycle of change changes which affect every facet of our lives. Not the least of these is gaining the necessary skills to enable a person to find suitable employment in such a world.
One of the challenges facing Christian parents is determining the appropriate means of educating their children. While believers ought to be expecting the immediate return of the Lord Jesus, should we be left here a little longer, children will need to possess suitable work skills in order to live as “they that use the world” though “not disposing of it as their own” (1 Cor. 7:31 JND).
When Joseph took his father to Egypt, where Pharaoh had promised to freely provide them with the “good of the land” (Gen. 45:18), he still wanted to know what kind of work (Gen. 47:3) they were occupied with. Hearing that they were “shepherds,” he told Joseph that “if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle” (Gen. 47:6). The Word of God instructs believers to “provide things honest” (Rom. 12:17; 2 Cor. 8:21). Thus the question is not whether children should be educated, but rather how.
Let us thank God for sound educational curricula, excellent equipment and comfortable facilities which exist in many public school systems. An even greater cause of thanksgiving ought to be for those dedicated, public-school instructors—especially Christians—who spend their lives, often in very trying and thankless circumstances, teaching children.
In spite of the vast sum of money and effort spent annually on public education in Western lands, there remain serious, growing problems in public schools—especially in the moral sphere.
In the early 70s when my wife and I were faced with sending our sons to school, we had no alternative choices. We had concerns about the denominational aspects of Christian schools, and, as far as we were aware, at that time in the state of Iowa, home schooling was not an acceptable alternative.
Thus it was a great comfort to find that the principal of our sons’ grade school was an earnest Christian—a brother in Christ who understood why we, at times, expressed concerns about what our sons were being exposed to in their classrooms.
Today Christian parents may not always find such a satisfactory experience with public education. In the 60s and early 70s the seeds of humanism, hedonism, feminism and acceptance of immorality as normal and desirable were actively and subtly being planted in public schools. This same time period also saw the end of all official public school sanction for any activity that was based on “Christian tradition.”
The Bible, outwardly recognized at least at one time as containing true, moral guidance for man, is now officially rejected in all public school classrooms under the guise of “freedom of religion and worship.” These harmful changes have been very subtle, for Satan has worked very effectively in corrupting public education by using the principle of the “little foxes” that “spoil” rather than the “roaring lion” who destroys. Biblical Values Have Been Abandoned Public education often views moral values, issues of right and wrong as they are found in the Bible, as judgmental concepts unacceptable to society.
Individual rights and tolerance are two of the false gods of Western civilization. Children learn to become “tolerant” of corrupt lifestyles, wicked philosophies and idolatrous cultural practices.
Such sad conditions might easily discourage Christian parents, for Satan is today, as his servant Pharaoh was in another day, seeking every means at his disposal to destroy children. The times are dark and the battle is fierce. But what comfort for Christian parents is found in 2 Kings 6:16-17: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.... And... the young man... saw... the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about”!
Elisha’s servant, seeing the enemy, had cried out, “Alas, my master! how shall we do?” Christian parents may ask the same question, in principle, as they face the issue of educating their children.
The Responsibility of Educational Choices
Parents do have choices of alternative means of education available today. While this is a great mercy of God, making such a decision is very serious, for it will have far-reaching consequences for children. “Train up a child in the way he should go” is usually applied (and rightly so) to spiritual training. But the principle is also important for all training. We would earnestly beseech parents to soberly and prayerfully seek the Lord’s mind as to how their children will be educated.
May God grant that those who have school age children share a kindred spirit with dear Amram and Jochebed who, seeing their child Moses as beautiful to God, “were not afraid of the king’s commandment,” but by faith, protecting and nurturing him in the ark and in their home, raised him for God’s glory and service and the blessing of His people.
Lord willing, in future issues, we will consider some principles in the Bible which pertain to three types of education that are commonly available today: “public schooling,” “home schooling” and “private schooling.” It is not the intention of these articles to suggest that one method is better than another—only that parents might have some principles from the Word of God which, Lord willing, will be of help in considering this subject.