AFTER a service held in a fashionable city in the West, an old lady came uninvited into my vestry, with agonized misery depicted on her countenance. She exclaimed, as the tears rolled down her cheeks: “Can God forgive eighty-three years of sin?” Of course I replied in the affirmative, and quoted the glorious truth that “the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7.) But in order to be saved she must take God at His word, and believe with all her heart that God saves to the uttermost all that put their trust in Him. She listened eagerly and left. When she got home, she confided in her servant; and, when retiring to rest, said to her: “Don’t let me sleep tonight; I have eighty-three years of sin on my soul.” The servant obeyed her mistress, and at her advanced age, of course, it was a great risk, Then the doctor was sent for, and after consultation he said she was suffering from religious mania! (I only wish he had the like himself!) In a few clays the light dawned on her soul, and on the following Sunday she came again to my vestry. But what a change! She knelt down, and with confidence exclaimed, as tears of joy fell, “Oh, what a Saviour! Eighty-three nears of sin, but His precious Blood has washed them all away.” She had proved what thousands of sinners had proved before, that whosoever believeth in Christ shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16.) What a wonderful verse this is—a comprehensive summary of redemption, a multum in parvo of the Gospel. We have seven “highest possible”: —
The highest possible Power— “God.”
The highest possible motive—love.
The highest possible number— “the world.”
The highest possible Gift—His Son.
The highest possible and easiest terms— “whosoever believeth.”
The highest possible security— “shall not perish” (God’s word for it).
The highest possible blessing— “everlasting life.”
(“The Chinese Bible-women’s Mission.”)