Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(fruitful). (1) Second wife of Caleb (1 Chron. 2:19,50). (2) Ancient name of Bethlehem-judah (Gen. 35:16,19; 48:7).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
1. Ancient name of Bethlehem-judah (Gen. 35:16,19; Gen. 48:7; Ruth 4:11; Psa. 132:6; Mic. 5:2).
2. Caleb’s second wife and mother of Hur (1 Chron. 2:19, 50; compare also 1 Chron. 4:4).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or mEphrathah {ef-raw'-thaw}; from 6509; fruitfulness; Ephrath, another name for Bethlehem; once (Psa. 132:6) perhaps for Ephraim; also of an Israelitish woman
KJV Usage:
Ephrath, Ephratah
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
ashiness: fruitfulness
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Fruitfulness; posterity:―ancient name of Bethlehem-judah, Gen. 48:7. {Fertilitas}